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20 times a career coach can help you

Not sure when the right time to get the help of a Career Coach is? Here are 20 times a Career Coach can help you.
  1. Deciding if now is the right time to change careers.
  2. Deciding what the right level of job to apply for is.
  3. Determining what your skills gap is for your next career or job - and how to fill the gap.
  4. Deciding if a company is the right fit for you.
  5. Designing a job search strategy.
  6. Creating a professional resume.
  7. Creating an effective cover letter.
  8. Showing you how to tailor a resume for a specific job.
  9. Showing you how to network.
  10. Keeping you motivated during the job search process.
  11. Helping you with a job application.
  12. Getting professional recruiters on your side.
  13. Boosting your chances of your application being seen.
  14. Researching the company you have applied to.
  15. Preparing for a screening interview.
  16. Preparing for an onsite interview.
  17. Practicing interview skills.
  18. Helping with salary negotiation.
  19. Helping with counter-offers from your current employer.
  20. Deciding whether to accept a job.

If you need help with any of these, contact me, I'll be happy to help!